Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Effects that single-parenting has one children Essay
Family defined by Sara McLanahan (1994) is the base social group united finished and through bonds of kinship or marri mount up, bounty in some(prenominal) society. Ide every(prenominal) in ally, the family trys its members with protection, companionship, security, and socialization. The building of the family and the look ats that the family fulfills vary from society to society.historic studies have shown that family structure has been less changed by urbanisation and industrialization than was once supposed. McLamaham (1994) menti whizzd in a seminar at Urban Institution Press. The nuclear family was the approximately paramount preindustrial unit in the West and is still the basic unit of social organization. The modern family differs from earlier conventional forms, however, in its croaks, composition, and livingcycle and in the pieces of husbands and wives.The changes in family structure that electric razorren start unwrap during their sleep withs be non wi thout consequences. Western societies have install that electric shaverren from mother or father-absent bag(a)s manifest a take of internal and out-of-door matters including sadness and depression, delinquency, aggression, versedity contribution difficulties, previous(predicate) initiation of sexual action at law and teen maternity, as well as unretentive social and adjustive functioning and low ego respectfulness as reported by Princeton sociologist Sarah McLanaham (1994).to boot children who frequently move from cardinal residence to a nonher, in the process of child shifting, also exhibit task deportment. Child-shifting, a common sequel to advertal absence seizure seizure seizure in Jamaica, require children to adjust physically to their upstart environment but also, and of greater consequence, to adjust emotionally. The children of incarce calculated woman, though relatively few in number, require fussy checkation because of the effects of this to a gr eater extent than unique fiber of p argonntal separation. A recent report by sociologist Dr. Aldrie Henry-Lee show that women worry about their childrens well cosmos but thought their benevolent relationships with thechildren were not affected. (2009)Psychologist Marinna Ramkissoon, in her look for on the interaction among Jamai lowlife fathers and their children, analysed ii aspects of the father-child relationship physical absence and mental absence. psychological absence refers to the fathers absence in the minds of their children based on emotional inaccessibility, overleap of right and in oddment to the welfare of their children. Physical charge necessarily promotes psychological straw man, but physical presence and psychological absence abide lead to communicative rejection and greater psychological dam come along.As shown in Ramkissoons interrogation and that of others, while the composition of the family is important to children, how the family functions to support children is more important to childrens education. Family supporting childrens development is comm just now called kindleing. In western society, this is largely the use of goods and services of biologic erects. However, in the alter family structures subjected in Jamaica, and and then in the Caribbean, the terms family and parenting have much broader contexts.In fact, Cherlin and Fursterberg (1994) state that the hotshot-parent family is the fastest maturation family structure in America. This statistic is no different from the situation in Jamaica. statin advises that thither is an al nigh 12% divorce rate in Jamaica as of 2012. This separation of unions must ending in children hold with only one biological parent or none at all. what is more, the statistics indicate that the gist number of nascences between 2001and 2012 is525, 578 while the total number of marriages for the same period is only 264,506. This is a vague representation of the number of chi ldren born alfresco of marriages and possible unions.Family structure is hypothesized to directly influence childrens psychological well- beingness by affecting family processes, such as parent-child relationships and parental conflict, background variables, such as income, and individual characteristics, such as mothers psychological well-being. Thus, family processes and other variables are predicted to mediate the effect of family structure on childrens psychological well-being.Furthermore family processes are predicated to have the largest impact on childrens psychological well-being (Acock and Demo, 1994). With knowledge of the importance of family forms on children, this research has to be conducted to determine specific impacts.In conclusion, the family is the main unit in society. As you flowerpot see my sources has a different point on this topic. Sarah McLanaham found out that modern family differs from earlier traditionalistic form, which she highlighted by indicatin g the change in its functions, composition and lifecycle and in the role of husband and wives. thither are slightly effects that children from a mother or father- absence homes such as depression, delinquent, teen pregnancy etc. on the other hand Marinna Ramkisson in her research believe that there are ii aspects of the father-child relationship which are physical absence and psychological absence.Aims and ObjectivesThe aims of the contemplate are toDevelop knowledge regarding the concept of family, its roles and functions. unwrap out the factors that affect the development of children who live without one or twain biological parents. Find out if children who grow up in a two-parent family with twain biological parents present do better on a wide range of outcomes than children who grow up in a genius-parent family. Provide evidence for the beingness of effective family structures for children and families.The objectives are toEstablish the effects of unity parenting on chi ldren.Determine if there is a difference between children living with one biological parent and those living with none.IntroductionThe family is often been regarded as the origination of society. In premodern and modern societies alike it has been seen as the most basic unit of social organization and one which carries out vital tasks, such as socialize children. Most sociologists assumed that family life was evolving as modernity progressed, and the changes involved made the family better suitedto coming together the needfully of society and of family members. The structure of families traditionally hinges on relations between parents and children, between spouses, or some(prenominal). Consequently, there is substantial variation in family forms close to the world, varying from culture to culture. The most common form of family structure in the Western World is monogamy, which is the practice of having only one spouse at a time. A assortment of other family structures exist . harmonize to Wright and Wright (1994) the family is the foundation of human society. Families are one of the strongest socializing forces in life. They instill children to control unacceptable behavior, to delay gratification, and to respect the rights of others. Conversely, families can teach children aggressive, antisocial and violent behavior. The primary function of the family is to reproduce society, both biologically, through procreation, and socially, through socialization. In the next decades, social changes seemed to be undermining traditional families. rising divorce rates, cohabitation before marriage , increasing metrical composition of hotshot parent families and single-person household, and other trends have all suggested that individuals may be basing their lives less and less around conventional families. But the question still trunk What are the effects that Single-parenting has on Children?Problem relationSingle-parent families can no longer be viewed as n on-traditional families. These families are all around us today. Children in Jamaica grow up in a variety of family structures. Single parent and two-parent families are created and recreated through marriage, divorce, remarriage, cohabitation, and birth outside marriage. Single- parent families are the fastest growing family structure in Jamaica. The effects of a single-parent home on a childs behavior can be far-reaching and impact several areas of life, including pedantic achievement and social behaviors. The purpose of this research is to investigate the question the effect that single-parenting has on children.The Research radiation diagramThe study leaveing be about want the effects that contribute to childrenliving in a single family in sanguine Shop fellowship. hearty Survey get out be used as the research method. Social Surveys are usually large-scale research projects that collect standardized data from a large cross-section of the state.The methodology used is valued Research. Quantitative Research generates numerical data or data that can be converted into numbers. In terms of sampling method, Probability Sampling, to be more specific, Simple Random Sampling will be used to carry out the research. Questionnaires will be presented to collect data that is needed for the research. A Questionnaire is a number of pre-set questions that can contain open-ended, fixed choice or a combination of both types of questions. These are what will be done to reign an tell or answers relating to the topic. After a careful analysis, the data will be presented in the form of graphs. take in SelectionThe population of the Red Shop entails both males and females, young and old. Simple Random Sampling will be used to carry out the research. This will be the most basic counselling of selecting a exemplar. This is a subset of a statistical population in which each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen. The researcher will be choosin g the sample from the population using no particular order or method. A sample is a subset of a population. There are ten persons in the sample. This comprises of both males and females between the ages of eighteen and twenty- fiver years that are single parents. .Data Collection InstrumentFor this study, a questionnaire will be used. A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of aggregation information from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is not always the case. The questionnaire was chosen oer the other types of check outs in that it is cheap, does not require as much effort from the questioner asverbal or telephone surveys, and often has standardized answers that defend it simple to compile data.Dear Sir/Madam,This is a survey carried out in the Red Shop community to determine the effect that single-parenting has on children. The information self- importance-collected will play a vital role in the completion of my Internal Assessment.Of importance is that this questionnaire requires your honesty. This is not a test and there are no wrong or right answers. Furthermore, total namelessness is ensured as you are not take to slacken off your name or address. Your responses in this survey will be cloak-and-dagger. Most of the questions can be answered by a tick in the box, specify book of instructions are given where necessary. Thank you for your time and cooperation.QuestionnaireYou are kindly asked to leave behind truthful answers to the questions below. All the information will be kept strictly confidential as such you are not required to insert your name as a look upon of protecting your identity.1. What gender are you?Male egg-producing(prenominal)2. What age group do you belong?19-2122-253. What pagan group do you belong?Chinese combineAfricanWest Indies4. What is your work status? sedulousPart time WorkerUnemployed5 . What causes you to be a single parent?Divorce dissolutionPartner is deadPrefer to live on my own6. What are the consequences you manifestation as a single parent?Financial conundrum frantic problemEconomic challengesSocial challenges7. How do you hypothesize your child/children feels when one parent is absent from their lives? deplorableDepressUnloved8. What are the consequences your child/children face?DepressionTeen pregnancyLow self heedEarly initiation of sexual exercise9. How often does your child see the other parent?Once a weekEvery 2 weeksEvery dayNever10. Is the other parent of your child/children involved in their lives? YesNo show of DataThe questionnaires were issued to ten persons who live in the Red Shop community. These ten persons comprises of five males and five females. When asked for their age 60% were in the age of 22-25 years and 40% of the sample was below that age group. On the questionnaires, the following questions were asked.When ask what gender are you, twenty percentage state male and eighty percent express female.When asked what some consequences your children faces are, thirty percent give tongue to sexual activity, forty percent said low esteem and fifteen percent said teenage pregnancy and depression.When asked what are some consequences they face as a single parent, majority said pecuniary problem which is indicated by fifty percent and minor said economic problem which is ten percent.When asked what are the causes of single parents in the community eighty percent said separation and ten percent said divorce and five per cent of the sample said they take to live on their own or companion is dead.Analysis of DataThe questionnaires were issued to ten persons who live in Red Shop These ten persons comprise of five male and five females. When asked for their age 60% of the sample was between the ages of 22-25 years. 40% of the sample was below that age group.In Figure 1, 80% of the respondents were female and 40% of th ese respondents believe their children have a low esteem because of the absence of one parent, (Figure 2). This could be that they see the absence of one parent as a tautness in their life, also impact on their live in a negative way. Also, they see more females in the household than males. This could bethat males find the role of a father is not important in a childs life and can not find time to express themselves the way they want to or that they find themselves to be insignificant because not many mothers in the family household need the presence of the father or the mothers may be in a visiting relationship with soul else and dont want to invite the males. therefrom it would not be a problem for men to be in the child/children life because in most societies, it is usually the men who would provide for the family. On the other hand, there are those who do not think there is a problem with a family without one parent absent. This could be that the parent that is present can pro vide both economically and financially. Also, persons would find it a problem for more women being present in the family homes than men.Apart from that, 50% of the sample says that with a parent absent they are facing financial problems. From the sample it is seen that its the females who are going through this challenge, (Figure 2). This could be that men are less belike to work and finance their child/children than how women would. Most of these women are unemployed so they can not provide for their child/children. Therefore, most of these respondents from the sample become single mom/dad because of separation. The respondents seem to be in a visiting relationship than in a common law marriage or the child/children born wasnt intended.Findings, Discussion of Findings and ConclusionIt was found that the Red Shop Community needs to go across a curriculum to highlight the presence of both parents in a childs life. Sessions among males, reason sessions among the males and females and some fun activities that would encourage them to come to the program that will be held. Also the community needs to be more cooperative and help these multitude who can not afford to provide for their child/children. This allows the males in the community to feel more well-fixed of expressing themselves the way they want to and not having the feeling as if they are going to be run aside from the other parent.Nevertheless, it was agreeable to what Psychologist Marinna Ramkissoon, 2009 had said, there are two aspect of father-child relationship. These are physical absence and psychological absence. Psychological absence refers to the fathers absence in the minds of their children based on emotional inaccessibility, lack of responsibility and indifference to the welfare of their children. Physical presence necessarily promotes psychological presence, but physical presence and psychological absence can lead to expressive rejection and greater psychological damage.Additionally, th e child/children that are living in a single parent home in the Red Shop community are likely to be face by many consequences. They also need guidance and love from both parents it is not being provided by both parents to them. According to Sarah McLanaham (1994), the changes in family structure that children experience during their lives are not without consequences. Western societies have found that children from mother or father-absent homes manifest a number of internal and external effects including sadness and depression, delinquency, aggression, sex role difficulties, early initiation of sexual activity and teen pregnancy, as well as poor social and adaptive functioning and low self esteem. In conclusion, it all seems that women are more likely to be worried about their childs well being more while the men are most likely to be coherent. Women can be rational too, but they tend to overlook the logic when given a choice between the two. For some of the females, they would at least consider their childs life important than theirs but for some males, they would not consider that because they are too busy trying to be tough. Also, it is the male that always have the money to provide for their child/children financially.BibliographyMcLanahan, Sara. (1994). Growing Diversity and Inequality in the American Family. In R. Farley (Ed). State of the Union American in the 1990s. New York Russell Sage FoundationCherlin, Andrew. (1992). Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage. Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press.Haralambos, M., & Holborn, M., (Eds). (2004). Sociology Themes and Perspectives. London Harper Collins Publishers Ltd.
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